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From Solid Cat: D-MOvember
John Hawkley
John Hawkley, 56, won this year's Safeway World Championship Pumpkin Weigh-off in Half Moon Bay south of San Francisco. His gourd, weighing 2,058 pounds, took first prize and set a new tournament record.

Read more about it at San Francisco Examiner here.

To John Hawkley, for having an award-winning hobby (unlike, say, podcasting), we salute you. PAWS UP!

From Solid Cat: Donuts
Barack Obama
President Obama plans to announce that he will set aside roughly half of the San Gabriel Mountains as a national monument, bringing stronger federal protections to the range to shield it from crowding and pollution. Obama will designate about 350,000 acres of public land in the Angeles National Forest as the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument. It will be the 11th time Obama has used his executive powers to establish or expand a national monument.

Read more about it at here.

To President Obama, for creating the closest National Monument to Solid Cat Studios, we salute you. PAWS UP!

From Solid Cat: A Bride for 7 Brothers
Menahem Asher Silva Vargas
Mexico City resident, Menahem Asher Silva Vargas, is in Hogwarts heaven after his collection of Harry Potter memorabilia was named the world's largest. Guinness World Records officially recognized it Monday as the world No. 1, at 3,097 pieces. The old mark was 807.

Read more about it at The Associated Press here.

To Menahem Asher Silva Vargas, for reminding us we all have our hobbies, so might as well own it, we salute you. PAWS UP!

From Solid Cat: Scotland Says
Rose Wylie
Artist Rose Wylie has won one of the UK's most prestigious painting awards at the age of 80.

After marrying artist Roy Oxlade, Wylie gave up painting to raise their family. She resumed her art training at the Royal College of Art while in her mid-40s. And after being featured in a couple of exhibitions, finally had her work achieve acclaim.

Read more about it at here.

To Rose Wylie, for reminding us it's never too late to follow your dreams, or be recognized for it, we salute you. PAWS UP!

From Solid Cat: Kansas Kinky
Solid Cat All-Star Matrice
Solid Cat's very own Matrice will be getting hitched in a couple of weeks. Hooray to Matrice and her beau, Kevin, on their pending nupitals.

To Matrice, for letting love lead the way and having 2 become 1, we salute you. PAWS UP!

From Solid Cat: Charging Beavers
Laura Dodsworth
Photographer Laura Dodsworth released her new project, Bare Reality, which explores how women feel about their breasts. 100 women bare all, bravely sharing un-airbrushed photographs of their breasts alongside personal stories about their breasts and their lives

Read more about it at The Guardian here.

And see the project here: Bare Reality

To Laura Dodsworth, for letting us learn to love our bodies, we salute you. PAWS UP!

From Solid Cat: Macabre Hour
Sberbank, Russia's largest bank, is apparently loaning cats to clients who buy one of their mortgage products... you know... for good luck. And that's right. They're not giving them away, just loaning the cats out.

Read more about it at here.

To Sberbank, for letting the cat out of the bank... for luck, we salute you. PAWS UP!

From Solid Cat: Chicken Smuggler
My Dad
My dad has been smoke-free for 11 years. He quit in July 2003 (though he like to point out he didn't quit, he merely stopped), and said his trick was that he never had access to matches or lighters. So while he had cigarettes in his pocket, he had not fire. He used a patch for a week or so, but it was pretty much cold turkey.

Pops, for going smoke-free, we salute you. PAWS UP!

From Solid Cat: Nerdertainment
The People of Perth, Australia
When a man who is about to board a commuter train, suddenly gets his leg trapped in the tiny gap between the platform and the train, his fellow commuters alert authorities and work to free him.

See the video at here.

To the People of Perth, cause, you know, hooray humanity, we salute you. PAWS UP!

From Solid Cat: Culture Vultures
The Chivalry Project
Inspired by the "Chivalry in the Middle Ages" exhibit at the Getty Center, this new digital rulebook of chivalry attempts to remake chivalry for the 21st century, with the new rules provided by us.

Check it out at here.

To The Chivalry Project, for letting us know that chivalry is alive in well in the modern world, we salute you. PAWS UP!

From Solid Cat: Season 3 Premiere
Villains Holding Koalas
The internet is truly a vast and infinite place. And it's full of creative ideas. Some ideas are just pure fun, like this one. Plain and simple, it's some of most recognizable villains from entertainment, holding koalas.

Check it out at here.

To Villains Holding Koalas, for being creative, we salute you. PAWS UP!

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